Monday, March 28, 2016

March 28, 2016

Two baptisms!
Wow, what a week! Easter truly is a great day. I've loved diving into the New Testament this 
week and reading about what the Savior experienced for us, particularly betrayal. That's a 
hard one.

Our stake had an Honoring Christ display at the church all weekend - a small art gallery and 
then several music performances all about Christ. I got to play the organ as background music 
for some of it...Haven't done that in a while. It was nice just to play for an hour or two.
Easter Eve was also a great day for us this year! Amber (pictured below) was able to get 
baptized! It has been such a blessing to be able to be part of her conversion experience. She's 
seriously a boss with all of the obstacles she's had to overcome to get to this point.  And of 
course Saturday afternoon she texts us and tells us she's been sick in bed all day... But she's a 
champ and came anyway! There were probably 50 people there to support her, which was 
awesome. Just the love and support from everyone there made for an awesome experience...
And the water wasn't cold, thanks to our hauling water!  #gottalovealaska

We only were able to somewhat hear the Women's Broadcast while we were filling the font... 
From what we heard, it was all about service - serving everyday, not just in service projects. I 
loved how they kept talking about reaching out to refugees - although there aren't many (or any?)
Not really sure... If someone wants to look that up for me :) in Fairbanks, Alaska, there are 
certainly many all over the world that need our love. And that's definitely something I want to get 
more involved in back at home!

How are you accountable for your time?

Love you all! Fairbanks is still getting snow... More flurries this morning. But it's hot now all the
time, like 40s most days.

Sister Rollins 
Sister Christian, me, Amber and Dean!  And Jesus of course.

This is how you fill the font in Alaska if you want warm water...

PS for those of you who may have read the subject line: the second baptism was of our 
phone.  But don't worry, it still works.  Mostly.

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