Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Dec 28, 2015
Was Christmas this week?
Wow! Christmas is full of caroling and candy and chocolate.

This past week we decorated a tree for a cute old less active lady, caroled, went to a store 
and met a real nice black guy from Tennessee that we might start teaching, caroled, 
wrapped presents for service, caroled, delivered cookies, caroled, watched Bible videos, 
caroled, and went to church for seven hours! (I'm not quite bishop status yet...)
Did I mention we caroled a lot? I'm very grateful for a companion who can sing in tune. One
 cool place we sang at was the Pioneer Home here - a nursing home. We were supposed 
to sing for everyone after lunch, but we were late and so everyone had already gone back 
into their rooms... So instead, we took the gifts someone had donated and hand delivered 
them to all the residents and sang to the ones who were awake. There were some criers, 
some jokers, and overall just a wonderful Spirit there. It was almost just like when we go 
caroling back in Cincinnati, which was really wonderful.

Sister Webster was feeling awful one day, and it was cold and rainy so I watched about an 
hour and a half of the Bible videos, which was really nice. And very appropriate for the day 
after Christmas.

Current moose count: 40.

Oh, I almost hit a moose driving this morning! We were driving down the mountain and one
 ran right out in front of us... Of course, the road was slick and we slid a good ways, but 
luckily we missed the moose! Little Geraldo lived to see another day. Although I think he
probably would've survived much better than we would have if a collision would have 

People are taking good care of us.

ute .
Love y'all! Be strong and of a good courage. Read Hebrews 11, it's awesome.

Sister Rollins

Downtown Palmer at noon

My birthday dinner with the cute ole Beames

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