Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Sept 7, 2015
Patience helps you find the end of the highway

Greetings, civilians!

Another week has come and gone... This transfer is halfway over, meaning I've been out 15 weeks! (yes, you read that right. Fifteen. Five plus ten.) and that's just in the mission field!

God gives you some weeks to remind you that you need to learn patience. So I'm learning patience. Probably the most exciting thing this week was that Linda actually read in the Book of Mormon by herself! Oh, and Teresa came to church! So two exciting things.
There's lots more, but one thing about a mission I'm continuing to learn is that the most exciting things aren't really describable in an email.

Also, I'm gaining faith in the converting power of cinnamon rolls. They've been 100% effective in getting people to church thus far.

Last preparation day, we were supposed to go fishing with the rest of our district. We left a little late, but we asked the elders for directions and they said to just start driving up the highway, so we did. And we did. And we did... And ask for further directions, and get
a reply: "Retreat now." So we stop and take pictures because everything in Alaska is pretty and then we keep going... And find the end of the highway! And a muddy river with no fish. And the elders, covered in mud. To quote Elder Dickson, "it was great."

Zone meeting was exciting. If you ever get a chance to watch the addiction recovery videos, apparently they're really good for everyone. Except children.

Humility is saying "I'm awesome, but only because the Lord's awesome and I'm trying my best to follow him" (see the Sister Rollins edition of Preach my Gospel)

Or, to quote the real thing, when you are humble then "you are confident that you can do whatever the Lord requires of you if you rely on Him."

Gotta get headed!


Sister Rollins

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