Oct 31, 2016
We all need someone to love... I guess
This week I learned that joy comes from loving people, so here's some people I love:
Mark and Maren! And their six boys. They are the most hilarious people I know. Bishop has one of the driest senses of humor I know of, but also is one of the smartest people I know. Yesterday when we ended up with no bread for the sacrament he turned it into a pretty sweet object lesson - what do we do when we don't have the sacrament to take, or can't take it? We wait, and we sit, and we reflect on the Savior and how we can renew our commitment to Him. Spiritual lesson #1 of the week.
Kathie and Mark! And their three kids, Hunter (13), Layla (7) and Aaron (3). They are NUTS, but in the best way possible. After feeding us dinner last night, Aaron wouldn't stop climbing all over me. He loves it when the missionaries come over, and doesn't know why but wants to tell us that. The only way he knows how is to attack us with love, which I don't mind... hazards of being an aunt of 12. Wrestling with 3 year olds is much easier than wrestling a bear. Lesson #2 of the week.
Margie and Russell! And their three kids that are probably the poster children of America. Jay might be jaywalking for Halloween, or he could be a blue jay... or he might just be a Rubik's cube. They are the best listeners, which mean they learn fast and know more than I ever did about what they learned in school and how to play Simon Says. Listen to people, and they will tell you what they want and then you can make them happy! Lesson #3.
Oh also, exchange! This sister is rocking it in Fairbanks! |
Karla, Linda and Claire! They are some of the humblest, most sincere people I know. Their ability to rely on God astounds me. But you'd never know how awesome they are until you watch them struggle and struggle and still manage to rely on God. Lesson #4.
Betty, who I just met this week. She recently lost her husband and has been having a hard time, but she moved to Alaska and is somehow still the sweetest lady. She found a lot of comfort in Alma 40:11-12, and I hope we can keep helping her understand just how much God loves each of us and how we're never alone. Don't get crotchety when you're old, invite people in and then tell us we're crazy. Lesson #5.
And then there's many others whom I love, but I'll end with my favorite:
My good friend Jesus. He's always there for me. He laughs at me and with me, and I know He'll never be too far away to talk to. I don't have a lot of time left to live in Alaska, but I'll be forever grateful I'll always have Jesus as my best friend.
Sorry for the cheese! Hopefully it melts as it heads down to the lower 48 and is delicious rather than frozen.
Sister Rollins