Then half of my companion's tooth got drilled off...
Hello hello from Palmer, Alaska! Home of a reindeer farm and the Alaska State Fair. It's starting to get a little chilly up here... It's been pretty consistently in the negatives, but we broke 0 today! It honestly doesn't feel as cold as you think it is. Most of the time. So this week was a little slow, because my wonderful new companion, dear Sister McGraw, has caught quite a bad cold... And this cold air certainly isn't helping her get better! We've
been offered most remedies under the sun, but if you think of any feel free to send us some more! Because hopefully I won't catch it, but if theoretically I did... At least now we
have plenty of tissues, NyQuil, lozenges and also sorts of warm drinks and Jello! So Lazy Mountain is, indeed, a mountain. I'm sure that surprises most of you, but I now live on a mountain! It's pretty fun to drive up the switchbacks in the dark, especially with ice on
the road. But I'm not an official, true blue Alaskan driver until I survive the winter. So here's to hoping I survive... I've seen two more moose here, but more importantly, I went to a reindeer farm! They only
have a couple hundred reindeer, but we helped the vet check their mouths/draw their blood. Helping mostly entailed us herding/holding the reindeer. Reindeer like to spit... The member missionary work here is amazing! We visited three families who had invited their friends over to meet with us, and they all went really well. Also, we sang happy birthday to someone, and I didn't quite know how to sing it nicely... But it wasn't quite as bad as my family usually sings it - there were no crying babies, at least. In my studies this week I've really been focusing on the Book of Mormon, and I've learned
some cool things. The purpose of the Book of Mormon (which I knew before, but it never
really hit me) is to testify of Christ to the Lamanites. So many writers in the Book of Mormon prayed for the record to be preserved just so that those who didn't get a chance to really
learn about Jesus Christ and his plan for us could know - and their prayers were totally
answered! The millions of copies of the Book of Mormon now available are an answer to all of their prayers, and now it's our job to share its message of love and the possibility of
forgiveness to not only the Lamanites, but everyone! Neat-o to think about. Have a great week! Remember that your trials are blessings in disguise. Like because
Sister McGraw was sick, I got to clean out our whole apartment! Remember who you are and whose you are :) Sister Rollins
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